A man in a suit and tie is wearing a yellow hat


A red check mark in a red circle on a white background

Illegal Immigration

Colorado is experiencing the negative effects of illegal immigration resulting from an open southern border and sanctuary policies. I will vote to rescind sanctuary policies and vote against funding to support illegal immigration at the expense of programs that protect and benefit our communities and citizens.

A red check mark in a red circle on a white background

Inflation and the Economy

Colorado families are experiencing economic stress due to inflation caused by national policies and accentuated in Colorado through unwise restrictions on energy, agriculture, and small business. On top of that, homeowners are seeing big increases in property taxes. I will vote to limit government spending and regulation, to protect Tabor refunds, and to stop property tax increases.

A red check mark in a red circle on a white background

Education & Parental Choice

As a concerned community member who served on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council for Jeffco Public Schools, I understand the DEI agenda. I will support legislation that limits or removes DEI, Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender confusion, inappropriate sexual content, and the participation of boys in girls’ sports in our public schools. I will vote to protect parental rights, school choice and charter schools.

A red check mark in a red circle on a white background

Crime and Safety

Politicians that defund law enforcement, prosecutors who fail to prosecute, and judges who impose only minimum sentences are contributing to increased crime in Colorado. The Colorado Legislature keeps voting to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves under the Second Amendment. I will vote against these trends; against policies that threaten your inalienable right to keep and bear arms and against legislation that negatively affects the safety of our Colorado communities and citizens.

A red check mark in a red circle on a white background

Environmental Issues

As a teenager, I marched on the first Earth Day in 1970. I chose an environmental career as a hydrologist. I co-authored two books on Colorado hiking. I love Colorado and will always seek to protect our natural heritage. But somewhere along that path, the environmental movement left me in favor of fear mongering, a socialist agenda and policies that punish farmers, ranchers, and a responsible energy industry, which sustains our economy and allows us the means to protect our beautiful Colorado. I will vote for sensible solutions to environmental problems.

“Colorado Democrats are drunk on power, under the influence of special interests, and weaving dangerously through our deteriorating state, putting citizens and businesses alike at risk. Voters need to take away their car keys and elect sober Republicans to the legislature and at all other levels of government.”

— Peter Boddie, Candidate for House District 28

Map of Colorado House District 28

Help Peter restore and protect what we have always enjoyed in Colorado.

Sometimes the most effective legislative leaders are not those who make and pass bills, but those who can limit the bills being passed and reducing Governments encroachment into our personal lives and business. As a strong supporter of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, I promise to fight for and protect our inalienable rights. 

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